About Us

Who are we?

This site aims to provide a one-stop-shop for all the developments and possibilities around low-pollution, healthy travel options to, from and most importantly within Northern Ireland.

There is a lot of content around railway line improvements and reopenings as we firmly believe rail has to be the backbone of any integrated public and active travel system. The material is not only confined to the railways, however, but rather improvements for public health, sustainable transport and more walkable cities & towns in Northern Ireland to name a few.

We try to stay neutral on individual campaigns and political organisations rather providing links to the campaigns we see pushing things forward. We are of course delighted to work with all relevant organisations, so if you are a person behind a sustainable transport oriented campaign or a politician working towards improvements, please get in touch.

The site is maintained by Matthew Fullerton and Andrew McDonald as a private endeavour.

What do we want?

SustainableMobilityNI calls upon the Northern Ireland Assembly to implement common sense and holistic policies to promote active travel and public connectivity improvements:

  • Safe Active Travel: Creating safer walking and cycling environments for the public is key, such as wider footpaths, segregated cycle lanes and car-free streets in town & city centres.
  • A low-carbon public transport network using rail as the backbone, together with bus, tram, park-and-ride and car sharing services.
  • Integration of airports and more ferry services to the public transport network, including the reintegration of freight rail to reduce the number of lorries on our roads.
  • A fairer pricing strategy, including giving Translink the power to veto any unnecessary price hikes implemented by the government.
  • Following in the footsteps of our neighbour across the water in Wales, enact a moratorium on new road schemes, with a new priority on railway upgrades and expansions for the next 25 years.

For our answers to some questions you might have, check out our FAQ.

You can keep up to date with relevant developments on our News Page.