Budget: £6-£8m1
Expected completion date: 2027
Official project documentation: Northern Ireland Planning register planning application, in particular (using Documents -> Search Documents):
- Transport assessment main report
- Proposed Site Layout
- Overall Bridge Proposal
- PAO560031_Site Layout or Block Plan_002
- Permanent Way Option 1
Additional information on the overall plan for development in Lisburn West can be found in the West Lisburn Development Framework, Chapter 4.2 Infrastructure and Transport, Designation WL3 – West Lisburn train halt & Park & Ride facility. Potential for an additional station at Maze is also mentioned in the document, though this is likely to be dependent on development at the Maze/Long Kesh site.
Lisburn West Station is designed to be a major Park and Ride and transport hub (i.e. bus feeder services) for the west of the city. Traffic in the area is very heavy and hopefully a P&R facility can lure drivers out of their cars.
The site has already been cleared, but progress has been slow due to a lack of a final “go” and funding. The Investment Strategy Northern Ireland data says the project is at the “Pre Procurement” stage.
(1) Investment Strategy Northern Ireland (search for “Lisburn West” at https://fms.sibni.org/fmi/webd/isni_public?homeurl=https://www.isni.gov.uk/)